Peace, Love & Michelle

The Quarterlife Crisis Chronicles

The Cleanse: Day 2 April 15, 2009

After finishing Day 1 of my whole-body cleanse with a less-than-stellar record, I entered into Day 2 with a little more determination. This was bolstered by the encouraging, helpful support of Liz, who manages Dr. Mulligan’s office, and a few Facebook comments from friends who’ve been in similar positions.

I started the morning with my fruit smoothie of champions, a handful of Standard Process pills (ick), and a ton of water. Had an entrainment at 11:00 a.m., and enjoyed a chat/pep talk from Liz and Dr. Mulligan afterward. Funnily enough, I wasn’t hungry at all after leaving, but I got back home and munched on some raw veggies, then had a whey protein shake with my next handful of supplements.

Now I know why people lose weight on cleanses. I didn’t want to eat any more damn vegetables. Which is a big deal for me, because I L-O-V-E fresh produce. So I just didn’t eat anything else. I drank quite a bit of water throughout the day as I was working, and did some light stretching to ease the soreness out of my muscles from Monday’s Krav Maga class. I wanted to hit another class, but frankly, just didn’t have the energy.

When I got a little twinge of hunger, I had another smoothie plus a Cocommune bar (this delicious combo of coconut and chocolate that is amazingly approved food for my cleanse) before finishing up work for the day.

Evening rolled around, and it was time for the premiere screening of Turk Pipkin’s “One Peace at a Time” at the Paramount Theater. Amy’s Ice Cream was there, offering up special concoctions created just for the premiere. And it looked delicious. Dr. Mulligan planned to join us right before the show started, and I seriously considered sneaking in a cup of silky sugary goodness before she arrived. But I didn’t. Yay me.

Side note: “One Peace at a Time” was an incredible documentary… life-changing for some, I believe. I’ll write more in a separate blog, but if you have a chance to see it, run, don’t walk.

Dinner after the show… we were all hungry. Dr. Mulligan suggested Thai Passion, around the corner from the Paramount, which sounded amazing. But when we got there, not so much. While everyone else was ordering Shrimp Panang, Chicken Pad Thai and Chicken Satay, I glowered at the only two things I could eat on the menu: Tom-Kha soup with no meat added (so basically coconut milk, cilantro and mushrooms), and a dish of sauteeed veggies, no spice, no meat, no rice. I’m not gonna lie; I was pretty much hating my life.

Getting home, I was immensely hungry but so pissed off about the cleanse itself that another smoothie/shake or handful of pills made me angry enough to go to bed without ingesting anything else. 2 days down… 19 more to go. Eff my life.


One Response to “The Cleanse: Day 2”

  1. Great post! Just wanted to let you know you have a new subscriber- me!

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