Peace, Love & Michelle

The Quarterlife Crisis Chronicles

Master Cleanse: Day 2 June 23, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — Wit & Whimsy @ 10:24 pm

Day 2… Damn, I’m exhausted. And tired. Oh so tired.

I wake up this morning and have the senna tea, as directed. I follow that with about 16 oz of water, and 8 oz of lemonade. While showering for work, the heat makes me dizzy and I almost fall. As I’m pondering how perfectly humiliating death my starvation and dizziness would be, and imagining the things that would be said as the paramedics pulled my unconscious, naked body from the steaming shower… the water temperature pulls a 180 on me, and I’m suddenly freezing. FML.

No longer dizzy, but quite certain that I may have some sort of rare disease that only surfaces when people like me are stupid enough to go on all-liquid fasts, then subject their bodies to rapid changes in temperature, I crawl back into bed and try not to focus on the pounding headache that is inching its way toward my frontal lobe. Ouch. I drink more water, but that only serves to increase the swimming feeling in my belly. So I take an hour long nap, then begrudgingly crawl back out of bed to dress myself for the mediation I’m conducting at 10 a.m. I prepare a 32 oz serving of lemonade in my pink Camelbak bottle, and head out to the office.

The mediation goes quickly, thank goodness. With a slight shift in communication methods, the parties easily agree on the bigger points of their case, and the smaller points fall in line rather smoothly. When hunger pangs attack, I sip my lemonade and the urges aren’t so powerful. But I think I hate lemonade now. Yep… I hate it.


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