Peace, Love & Michelle

The Quarterlife Crisis Chronicles

Miss Me Yet? January 6, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — Wit & Whimsy @ 9:16 am

Jeebus, it’s been a long time since my last post. You’d think that someone who likes to talk about herself as much as I do would be a bit more disciplined about keeping up with her blog. (Hmmm. Keep up with blog. New Year’s Resolution #971.)

So, let’s see here. Since the last post, I’ve failed miserably at the Master Cleanse (I don’t really like lemonade anyway, but I may give it another shot in 2010.) I’ve made some fabulous new friends and had some great times, moved into a house in South Austin with Jo and Bryan, and had a little switch of career focus. On NYE, some shady character broke into our house and stole Jo’s Wii and my Macbook. I’m sure one of my future posts will involve me hunting the guy down with my expert detective skills, torturing the criminal with cruel and unusual techniques (such as making him run on a treadmill while watching Paula Deen on the Food Network), and recovering my precious Macbook from his grimy little paws. But I digress. Enough with the updates… on to the good stuff.


2 Responses to “Miss Me Yet?”

  1. Amanda Says:

    So more info is required, what’s the new career?

    • michellecheri Says:

      Not really a new career, just a new career focus. I’m concentrating more on mediation than paralegal work. I really believe in the concept of alternative dispute resolution and the partial healing it can offer, as opposed to destructive litigation practices. I’m much, much happier with the outcome of cases that I mediate versus the cases I support in litigation.

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