Peace, Love & Michelle

The Quarterlife Crisis Chronicles

Addiction and Animal Crackers March 18, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — Wit & Whimsy @ 6:43 pm
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I think I’m addicted to animal crackers.

Dan & Lindsay have this enormous container of organic Winnie the Pooh animal crackers from Costco, and for some reason, it always sits on the lower shelf of the coffee table in their living room. Normally, when I’m sitting down on the chaise, I’m positioned in such a way that I don’t really ever see the massive mound of cookie goodness, so I’m rarely tempted to eat them.

But today, it seems that the animal crackers are sitting slightly to the left of their usual resting place, putting the container directly in my line of sight. For 2 hours now, the gleeful little faces of Tigger, Pooh, Piglet, Eeyore and Roo have been taunting me.

“Eat us! We’re so tasty!” shouts Piglet.

Then Pooh tempts me… “We are so delightfully crisp and airy, with a hint of honey!”

“The wonderful, wonderful thing about crackers is I’m a part of ’em!” Tigger cries.

“Organic? I guess that’s a good thing…” Eeyore mumbles.

FINE. Just a few animal crackers, I think, and then I can get back to my work, and Pooh and his crew can go back to the Hundred Acre Woods… er, animal cracker box.

Only… that plan doesn’t work out so well. I finish the first handful, then sigh as I realize I want… no, need… more. I stand up and get another handful. Must… have… more. One more handful. I’ve probably eaten about 30 cookies by now. Still.. it’s not enough… I need… I need… I need… sigh.

Anyone have the number for the Animal Cracker Addicts Anonymous meeting?